Trading goods from row boats

In the previous century, Wemeldinge lived of agriculture, fishing and oyster farming, but also of pedling. Between 1866 and 1993, there was a lock in Wemeldinge, in the Kanaal door Zuid-Beveland channel. This attracted traders; so-called ‘parlevinkers’ (pedlars) sold their goods from rowboats to the ships waiting in the lock. Canal boat skippers lying in wait in front of the locks could buy groceries from them. The pedlars offered a variety of products, from food to cleaning products, oil, lengths of rope, etcetera to passing vessels. It was a charming affair!

The trade on the water came to an end

In 1992, the Kanaal door Zuid-Beveland was widened and rerouted around Wemeldinge. The locks near Wemeldinge became defunct and the trade on the water disappeared. Where the locks used to be are now the Jachthaven, the boulevard and an attractive residential area. Check the website of ‘Zeeuwse Ankers’ (the website is written in Dutch) if you like to learn more about the parlevinkers.

Parlevinkers walk

Follow the trail and find out more about Wemeldinge in the days of the pedlars (the ‘parlevinkers’). This walk was made possible thanks to a contribution from the Maritiem Fonds.

You see the words "Samenwerkende Maritieme Fondsen" and various colors of flags underneath